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Students Want to be at Mt. Vernon…

  • Parents/Guardians Who Are New to Mt. Vernon & Live in The District

    Make sure to register your new MV student(s) for the 2024-2025 school year. Click the button below to begin the registration process. Living within the district boundaries (Vernon & Buck Creek Townships) enables students to automatically attend Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation (MVCSC) schools.




    Parents/guardians of new in-district students should bring the following items to the school after completing the online registration: 

    • Any pertinent health-related documents (e.g. emergency action plans or diabetes medical management plans)
    • Copy of court papers if there is any custody arrangement
    • Individual education plan (IEP) if applicable
    • Bring a copy of the following if not already uploaded with your student's enrollment application: 

    -  Residential building permit
    -  Rental agreement / mortgage statement
    -  Property tax statement / Title document for legal dwelling
    -  Voter registration card - Register Here 
    -  Two DIFFERENT company utility bills (dated within 60 days of submission) - This consists of: Electric, Gas, Cable, Internet (wired), Trash/Recycling, Water or Sewer

    • Parent/Guardian Driver's License or State Issued Identification Card
    Parents/Guardians Who Need to Enroll a New Child, Have Current Children Attending Mt. Vernon & Live in District

    Parents/guardians who need to enroll a new child at Mt. Vernon, have other children currently attending Mt. Vernon and live in district can enroll their child by visiting their Skyward Family Access and selecting "New Student."

    Parents/Guardians of Students Returning to MV in 2024-2025 Should Have Registered Each Student by Accessing their Skyward Family Access Before School Started

    Children who have not attained the age of five (5) by August 1st shall not be eligible for entrance into the kindergarten program, nor shall a child who is not six (6) years old be eligible for entrance into first grade, unless the parents submit an appeal.

  • Out-of-District Students and Families

    The 2024-2025 school year is closed for new out-of-district/transfer students.
    For the 2024-2025 school year, students who wish to transfer into Mt. Vernon Schools from another school district, as well as all current 2023-2024 out-of-district/transfer students, MUST have completed an online application during either of the designated Out-of-District/Transfer application windows (April 12 - 22 or May 3 - 13, 2024). The application period is now closed for out-of-district/transfer students to apply to attend a Mt. Vernon school in 2024-2025.

    After applying, out-of-district/transfer students received an email confirmation by the end of May if they are accepted to attend MV in the 2024-2025 school year. After receiving the acceptance notification in May, if the student was new to MV they need to be enrolled. If the student is a current MV student, please register the student through your Skyward Family Access. If you have questions, please contact our district registrar at


    Please note that the Mini-Marauder Preschool and grades four through eight are closed for NEW Mt. Vernon families. (A new family is defined as a family with no children/step-children attending Mt. Vernon in 2023-2024.) If you currently have any children or step-children in your family attending Mt. Vernon during the 2023-2024 school year, this closure does not apply to you. 

    Children who have not attained the age of five (5) by August 1st shall not be eligible for entrance into the kindergarten program, nor shall a child who is not six (6) years old be eligible for entrance into first grade, unless the parents submit an appeal.


    Guidelines For All Out-of-District / Transfer Applications:

    • All applications must be submitted online during either of the two application weeks and before the final deadline of Monday, May 13 at 8 a.m.
    • Applications are only for one school year, must be filled out for each child, and must be re-submitted each year.
    • Applying the first week instead of the second week does not increase your child’s chances of being approved. Offering two weeks allows the district to assess early numbers and possibly acquire necessary teachers earlier in the hiring season.
    • All applications will be date/time stamped upon submission, processed in the order in which they are received, and considered on a case-by-case basis.
    • It is possible that NOT all applications for new Mt. Vernon families will be approved for specific elementary buildings due to several considerations, including building capacity and class size. 
    • A "new Mt. Vernon family" is defined as a family with zero children or step-children currently attending a Mt. Vernon school.
    • Employees' children and current out-of-district/transfer students (and their siblings/step-siblings) will have priority when reviewing applications.
    • If you live in one elementary school region and wish to attend a different elementary school, you do not need to fill out the application but rather email both elementary school principals and make this request for their consideration.
    • Out-of-district/transfer Mini-Marauder Preschool students who are either returning or are siblings of a current Mt. Vernon student also need to fill out the application.
    • Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation is accepting out-of-district/transfer students for the upcoming school year as adopted by Corporation Policy C125.
    • By submitting an application, parents agree to provide their own transportation to and from school for the duration of the school year or adhere to the assigned bus stop.

Kindergarten Roundup 2025-2026

It’s Kindergarten Roundup Time!

Be sure to attend Kindergarten Roundup on April 1 or 3, 2025. Learn more below!