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Health Services

Health Services


MVCSC Strives for Healthy and Safe Students!

MVCSC school clinics are staffed by a Registered Nurse or a health room assistant. The Health Services staff provides medication administration, health education, management of communicable diseases, immunization compliance, and first aid care for students who become ill or injured during the school day. The RN is not allowed to diagnose any injury or illness, per the Indiana Nurse Practice Act, but can make an educated recommendation to the parent if it is determined that further care is needed. The health room assistant works under the direction of an RN in the Corporation.

Tracy Furnas

School Corporation Nurse
Tracy Furnas
317-485-3100, ext. 5103

Health Services Staff


    Tracy Hoyt, Nurse

    Tracy Hoyt, ASN
    Special Education Nurse
    Mt. Vernon Admin Building



  • Jean-Marie Hamilton, Wellness

    Jean-Marie Hamilton, BSN
    Wellness Coordinator
    Mt. Vernon Admin Building


  • Misty Staton, MVHS nurse

    Misty Staton
    Healthroom Assistant
    Mt. Vernon High School


  • Katie Bullock, MVMS nurse

    Katie Bullock, BSN
    School Nurse
    Mt. Vernon Middle School


  • Shandi Jouppi, FES nurse

    Shanda Jouppi
    Healthroom Assistant
    Fortville Elementary School


  • Kara Fisher, MES nurse

    Karalyn Fisher, LPN
    School Nurse
    McCordsville Elementary School


  • Missy Bagienski, MCE nurse

    Melissa Bagienski, LPN
    School Nurse
    Mt. Comfort Elementary School


Health Services Handbook

The MVCSC Health Services Handbook provides a reference of medical protocols for parents/guardians of MVCSC students that are used in everyday dealings by health services and MVCSC staff with student health needs. It does not address all health issues in the schools, nor does it include all forms used in the various school health services programs.

Looking for Snacks that are Safe for School? Please view our complete list of approved snacks for school.


To protect all students, Indiana law requires each child enrolled in school to be completely immunized against communicable diseases. A complete record of his/her immunizations must be kept on file in the school office. For students new to the school system, including kindergartners, this record must be on file before the child can attend classes at the start of school.  

Please view the Indiana Department of Health School Immunization Requirements for more information. Incoming sixth graders are required to have the Tdap and Meningitis booster vaccines and 12th graders are required to have the Meningitis booster vaccine before the first day of school.

Check out the Indiana State Department of Health's HPV and Meningitis Vaccines Information from the CDC website.

If you have not already done so, please submit documentation of the required immunizations to MVCSC Nurse by fax at 317-482-4113, or mail to:


MVCSC School Nurse
1806 W. State Road 234
Fortville, IN 46040


If accurate documentation is not received, students will be excluded (unexcused) from school until the documentation is received. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please call Tracy Furnas. at 485-3100. Thank you for your attention to this very important Indiana State Law that involves your student's health and education.

Vision Screenings

Indiana State Law also requires schools to do annual vision screenings on 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 8th-grade students. This is just a screening so if a student should need further testing by a doctor, a note will be sent to the parent/guardian suggesting such. If you wish, you can choose to not have your student's vision screened by sending a note to Tracy Furnas or your student's Health Room Assistant.