2023-2024 Wall of Fame
Spelling Bee Champion: Violet Perry
Addition T-Race Champion: Moira Cutshaw
Multiplication T-Race Champion: Charlotte Smitherman
2023-2024 School Board Scholars
All award-recipients must receive grades of 95% or greater ("A" or "A+") in every class each grading period. The student must be enrolled full-time for at least 160 days and received grades from all four quarters.
Honored recipients received a certificate, a trophy, and their names were entered permanently into the records of the School Board during its regular monthly meeting held after the program.
The following students received a School Board Scholar award:
Nadia Carmany (1) Ethan Clark (2) Blake Clifton (1) Hunter Dixon (1)
Sophia Engle (1) Adriana Gomez-Bossio (2) Kylan Harris (1) Daniella Haskett (1)
Liam Hollar (1) Joshua Hutslar (2) Easton Lodge (2) Naomi Spencer (1)
Emaline Statler (1) Robert Thomas III (1) Ali Webber (2) Kalani Williams (1)
Zinnia Woolston (1)